Michael J. Behe A (R)evolutionary Biologist

Limits of Evolution

Medical studies of molecular structures. Science in the service of man. Technologies of the future in our life. 3D illustration of a molecule model in neon light
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Response to Critics, Part 1: Jerry Coyne

Dear Readers, Major reviews of The Edge of Evolution have begun to appear. Because the conclusion of the book is so controversial, it’s no surprise that responses by some Darwinists so far have been pretty emotional and defensive. I’ll be writing brief replies here to unfavorable reviews by the most prominent academic Darwinists, just to point out important miscues and errors. Later, after more reviews are in (several more major reviews are expected in the next month), I’ll write a comprehensive response. To date three reviews have been published by well-known evolutionary thinkers: Jerry Coyne (professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Chicago); Sean Carroll (professor of developmental biology, University of Wisconsin); and Michael Ruse (professor of philosophy at Florida State Read More ›